About This Blog


Here’s the thing - I love wine. And I love music. And often times, I like to enjoy them together. I also believe that the kind of wine we drink and music we listen to is heavily dependent on the mood or occasion. When I’m feeling lighthearted or celebratory, I probably want to be drinking a sparkling rosé and listening to Mariah Carey, for example. If it’s storming outside and I’m feeling moody, I’m more likely to have a big, full-bodied rustic red and be listening to Interpol. You get the idea.  

So Sonic Juice is about matching two of my favorite indulgences together, because pairing wine goes beyond the technical complements of food. 

For the record, I am not a professional music critic or a sommelier. I am, however, a big fan of music and have experience in the wine industry. As far as my tastes, I’m kind of all over the place. I don’t stick to one genre, region or style. Again, it largely comes down to mood. I am drawn toward distinctiveness and complexity. I love an aromatic, expressive wine, and I crave a big personality in both the wine I drink and music I listen to.  

Also - my name is Sally, and I'm a Germany-born, Athens, Georgia raised, former and spiritual New Orleanian currently residing in Brooklyn, New York. Thanks for stopping by.

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